Innermost Thought
A Texan girl falls in love...with New York City
Open Letter to Barack Obama
Examiner - New York Theatre, Producer
Danny's Little Tax Deduction
Are the stars out tonight?
Prayer for the Mourning #1
An Innermost Thought
Recs - Founding partner Tex in the City LLC
Baby Devlin
Danskin 2008
Doing the Danskin 2008 - Eve
Opa! wins 5 Awards at the 2008 Midtown theatre Festival Awards
garners 14 nominations at the Midtown Festival Awards
Hole-a-Matic Fundraiser for Opa!
Reflections on a Birthday
Fair is Fair by Geoff Garin
Uniters Not Dividers
MiaSays at 917 720 7513
What's Up, Danny?
Hey Texas, Ohio, Rhode Island, Vermont
What would Ann Do?
Endorsing Obama
Cookies and Boobs
Rethinking Media, Democracy, and Citizenship
The (1) Beer Party
Only 149,786 more to go!
Kingston, New York
So much left unsaid....
How much is
doggie in the window?
Hanging out my Shingle
Independence Day is 566 days, 7 hours and 33 Minutes away
Happy Birthday JT!
Women Who Ride
Mea Culpa
Cool Side Cool and the Hot Side Hot
"It's not a story. It's my life!!"
Don't you Recognize Me? But I'm your future wife!!!
Crazy Ivan
It Takes a Village
Wave Ya Hands in the Air, Like You Just Don't Care!*
Food for Dogs. Not Dog Food.
Ice Cream Mama's
Scarlet Women
Romanced by a Stone
3 Days Can Change Your Life
It's just like football...only gay
Dying by the Sword
O my Name is Oscar
Did ya miss me?
Pickle Pick of the Day
Good Day
Looking Back....
Vaya Con Dios, Baldemar
The Clintons, Rosie, Regis, Stephen Sondheim, Me...
Ruta's Star reminds me....
Banner Day
And Happy Birthday to Her!
Happy Birthday to Her
Meredith on's podcast
My Inner Athlete Episode #5: Danskin and a Change of Plans
Governor Ann Richards, 1933-2006
Commemorate 9/11
Unlike Woman (A Helmet is NOT a sometime thing)
MIA Episode #4 Weeks 1-3
Emmys 2007
Emmy 2006
September Project 2006
Gary Portnoy
Minuet in NYC
Atrainplays recap
816 Days
If we lose him, we'll lose a good thing
No tattoos or piercings!!
Iguazu is Igua-empty
You must take the A train! August 2, 2006
Pirates and "The Room"
Getting in "The Room"
Podcast Awards
She Biz
My Inner Athlete Episode #3
The Importance of Being Polite
New Flickr
The Golden Ball; A Myth
An Inconvenient Truth
Thief! Part Deux
Joy in Mudville
My Inner Athlete; Episdode 2
Save The Date: You
Take the A Train
Flickr Magda
My Inner Athlete, Episode 1
Agapemu, mi Amigo
Money Changers
The Age of Scorpio
I found Religion
Nina, Pinta, & the Santa Maria
Buzz Log II
Buzz Log
Popcorn Dragon
My Inner Child's Innermost Thought
Survival of the Fittest
In a Nutshell
Brush with an Oscar Winner
SNNOOORRRE! - Oscars 2006 Aftermath
Listen to me! March 16th at 8pm on A&E Biographies
Oscar Predictions - 2006
Your Inner Athlete podcast
New Digs
Blizzard of '06
To the
Democratic National Committee
Too Soon
The View from Here
A different point of View
Is Mercury in Retrograde?!?
Best Valentine's Day EVER!!!
New Year
Con Dios, Amigo
Xmas Shopping
An Artist, A Reporter, A Bookkeeper in Brief
I Discovered Ebay
Apple-a-Day or Traders Never Win
Best Seat in the House
Subway Story
Dear George Podcast
Scary! Scary!
Come Fly With Me! **but I might have been drunk
American Plumbers / Plugging the Leak
Fight for Your Rights
Dear George: Letters to the President PodCast
5 Years
Bad Day? We'll then let's Celebrate
Play Submissions
Easy Pickings
Rich White Trash
Chaos II (It's the Relief that kills 'em)
I Tri-ed.
I made the Reporter!
Come Tri with me, We'll Tri - Away!
September Project 2005 Recap
Jolene, Jolene
September Project 2005
Fun With Wine
Aretha Franklin said it Best.....!Freedom!
Measure your life in Miles
Christopher, Worn Out
Like Ronald McDonald in a Whorehouse....
Mangina Mike
Why New York City is NOT Hosting the Olympics
Funny...while I'm away
D, G, A7 (I still haven't found what I'm looking for)
SAVE THE DATE: September 13 at White Rabbit in NYC
Guitars are like puppies
Her Name is Sheeba Ma'am
All That JazzFest (Sunday)
Project Boyfriends
Jeremy Mix
All That JazzFest (Saturday)
All That JazzFest
City Mice
September Project 2005/ Coaltion for the Homeless
It's Official
So Much to Say, So Much To say...
Come Tri with me, we'll Tri away!!
Fiesta Mas Fina!
Smoke Signals Part Deux
Smoke Signals
Still No Time For Delay
High Blood Pressure Can Save your Life
Getting High
Have you Seen This Man?
A Gated Community
Welcome to Bushingrad!
So much for "erring on the side of life"
Schiavo's Dilemma
Schiavo's Congress
I have a pool!
New Career
Fighting the Man
Ones That Do Part Duex
Splitting Up and I like It!
More Feng in my Shui
Catholic Priorities
White Epiphany
Double Standards and the Belles of the Ball
Pru's Musings at Martini Madness
Continuing Saga....Earth Un-Linked
You think your Relatives are Nuts
Unimaginable Woes
Gold, Frankincense and Myrr
Rolling some Fat Ones
What would Pru Do?
Rummy Cubed
LoneStar LoveSeats
True Colors: The Bright and the Dark
I Pledge Allegiance
Meredith sings "Bush Love" with a few of her closest friends
Talking Siriusly
A Question of Character
Flix Follies
an Apple a Day
Black is the color of my True Love's hair
The Key...
My Next Move is in December
The Buzz (This is what a-happened.)
A CelebrateNYC Redemption; Tim Robbins donates raffle prize
Poetry from the Past
A weekend in New York
No Moss Under My Feet
High Cotton; All picked.
High Cotton SOLD OUT! Updates
That's Kentertainment
SOLD OUT!!! (High Cotton on Saturday, August 22)
Feed the Hungry
Excuse me.
look like
Saturday, August 14th;
Re-Press-ed but that's not what we meant!!!
"Celebrate New York"
Take That! (You big-ass windmill)
In High Cotton
Liberty Rides Again
August 3rd: Help Pick High Cotton Benefit
The Buzz...
Jimmy. Nailed
Sonic Vision
I've Paid the Price
Bush sings Shaggy
No Time for Delay
Who Do you Work? Redux
Update: The New Black
Ballywood Nightmares
Someone to Watch Over Me
While the Mouse is away
The Dashing Englishman
Love (or the lack thereof) in Letters
A Protest I can get (my) Behind (in)!
Parking and my English Beau
& (More about the Perfect Man)
Still Flowing
Daily Bread
Opening Day...Theatre-wise
Tex in the City Tuesdays
The Jesus Factor
9th Street Water Heats up
Pru and "Miracle" Products
Pledging my Allegiance
Opening Day
Shutter Bug
Today's Opti-Oxy-MORON award
"9th Street Water"
Prudence Meets a Man
New and Improved
Coming Clean About Ignorance
Ones that Do
New York's Finest
Not enjoying Her Racket
Enjoying my "Rac"
Partying For Art: Fundraiser for OFF OFF Broadway "9th Street Water"
The Cheesiest
Horseshoes and Handgrenades
Lighting the Corners of My Mind
Whew! That was a Close one.
La Tia
She's Laughing at me!
Why a Karl should never vote Bush
Texas has an Oscar Winner in it!
Hobnobbing with....
Joke of the Day
Keeping Up with the Times
Catch 178Billion
My Pal Prudence
His Story
An open letter to CBS
Brought to you by ?
The Boy that I marry
Hair of My Chinny Chin Chin
Holiday 2004 thought
Movin' on Without GWB
Single HGI Female and Dog
Who do you Work For?
Nullae Satisfactionis potiri non possum....
Let's Talk Turkey
On a lighter, and hopefully more juicier note..
Tammy was Right
Principal Photography
Gentleman Calls Again
The Scoop
The Real Pork Party
Tangerine Dream
On the 3
Happy Birthday To ME
Name Change
Puddle of Mudd
In the PLMO of my Hand
Feeling Pudge-ie
Tex Makes Up
Frivolous Fall Redux
Too Darn Hot
Wild Night is Calling
And all for the price of a Coffee Pot
Goodbye to You, 2002
Leaving the Wingman
Waiting for Godot
Civic Duty
Amazing Grace
You want how much?
Beating the 'Bar
Size Matters
Favorite Girl
Here's my Trouble
Surreal Life
Meow Nix
Censorship Anyone?
Puppy Love
I'm Back
just like PORN
Me? Yowwww!
Inner Circle; Member of the Wedding
Dude, They Got a Dell
Blank blank Diet
BIG Fat Gay Wedding -WOW
Urban Cow-nected
I'll Buy You a Cup of Coffee
Home on the Range
Laying Concrete is Not a Euphemism
Big Fat Gay Dress
Big Night
Art of the Block; A glossary
Roughin' It Up
Papa Don't Panic
Prayers for a Song
What It Takes To Be A Man
Karma Curse
Clinton Era Taste on a Bush era Budget
Frankly My Dear.....
Have you seen Joe?
Urban Cowboy Redux
Roberta Gets Flack
Do I know you?
Sounds of Silence
First Real Snow
Straight Scoop
"Bucs"ing the system...BYO SuperBowl
2nd Annual "I've Got It!" (aka Epiphany party) or That was one Hot Tamale!
Bi-Polar, Still "Brr!" but loving it
Jr's Rationale
Brrr !
Updates and stuff
New Year's Eve
Wild Winter Dating...
Innermost Thought
NYC 2003
NYC New Year
Back in NYC; Another Christmas Miracle
Back on the Range
My Holiday Season
Changes in the "Recipe"
What Did I Do 2
What Did I Do?
Making Gold
Look out for them, Leo
Now who's the Tough Guy
Plumbers Need Love Too
The White Stuff
Heavy on the Lawyers, Light
Tree Envy
Fondue and A Love of the Garden State
Check out November 19th. It's
Life in the Fast Lane
Heh, Heh. "I don't think I can drink this all in one shot"
Catching the Wild Mustangs or What's New at the Corral
What you say?
Yes, they're Real
Bottle Service
Country vs. Rock N' Roll
Red Light Diaries
Another great quiz I swiped
Getting in the Door
Fetishes and Hair
Where she gets it, I'll never Know
Apple Butter?
In Memoriam
Worth the Price of Admission II
My anniversary
There's a reason they call them Brides
Worth the Price of Admission
The Fly Had it Right
A new Tradition
The Subject was Personal
Art Vomit
My Big Fat Gay Wedding
The Truth about Hummous
Mary, Mary
Seeing Orange
T minus 1
UhOh Ma, He's a Republican
And lightning didn't strike Me
China has a Club
In the Company of
Winter Hair
The Buzz in Times Square
Bicycle Update I finally
There's the Rub My
Crusade against Litter A
Okay, I swiped this quiz
Major Purchase I am
Getting Lit Well, my
Frivolously Falling Okay. I
Okay, it's time to go
Not a Tourist spot
Kitty in the City Last
Phil is my new
I have been a bad
Okay. It's official. Since Jenny
Has it really been since
Their doin' Geneology Well, my
Heartbeat As I was
New York Moments Over the
On the Way Home On
Another Toy Story One of
Nudity and Family Planning
Family Time I am
I find it really interesting
Okay, it's late so just
Something's A Loft I
The rest of my stay
That Saturday night I entertained
Well, it's Sunday. I have
Happy Independence Day everyone! Oh
Another Tex in the
Sweaty Village Apartment Well, I
It's so HHHHHOttttttt. and I
Well. There is nothing like
Thanks for the Memories I
Okay. It's late and I
Censorship and a Family Tiff
Ahh. That's better. After a
I am multitasking as I
Well after two weeks of
Bloggers Unite My friend and
And still no word on
Less a Catholic Everyday I
Universe needs a tune up
Out about a Closet
A star at Starbucks
MOH Update I am trying
Hello Blog-lovers!! Miss me? Please
Blessings from an Appendectomy Last
Redux It seems my rendezvous
BTW, My Mom made a
Hey all. Boy it's amazing
I think I need
What a Guy Tonight I
Twice in One Week I
Kissing Meredith Stein I saw
Well, there is nothing like
What Katie Couric has
This is no Bull
Hippy Hollow Last weekend
It's more than just
Cinco de Mayo on
A Naughty Book catches up
Goodbye Ally I watched the
Blasted Blogger!! I noticed when
Hello!! First of all
TITC is LLC Tex in
Grape Leaves I am becoming
George of a thousand Days!!!
Ford Focus Well I
Green Stocks I am
I'll Never do My Taxes
Tex in the City Well,
Postarma A few weeks ago
Okay, I am tired. It's
Working for a Living
PTSD I have had some
Wrangler I also had an
I can't believe how long
Hey all. I know it's
Note: The following blog should
I just found a website
Reading Depravation I am in
I took what turned out
But they Make a
So my sister IMs me:
NOBU is down in Tribeca.
We finally made our way
It's gotta be the
Friday night before our wild
So Saturday rolls around and
I had a wild and
I did the "What Rock"
What Pattern Are You? This
Oh Geez. It has been
Valentine's day with the gals
Ahhhh! Sweet mystery of (cyber)life
It looks like there may
Ugh! I hate not getting
Well, I have had an
On Friday I went to
Not much has happened as
Yea!!! I am back. For
My sister is selling a
I also got my photos
Last weekend we had our
Okay well, coupled with my
New Year's was a blast!
Okay, now about the goodies.
I can say that it
Another great thing I did
So yeah, I missed this
well, now that I am
Tonight I am taking a
So all of the sudden
I was completely swamped the
Okay, my Epiphany party was
I know it has been
A Christmas Miracle! I was
I've already finished my blog
This weekend was pretty preductive
A star sighting...I saw Katie
Sunday, December 2, I went
Saturday night, December 1st, I
Friday, the 30th of November,
On Thursday I had a
Okay, well I have decided
Well, I just posted a
Sunday night, after Andre went
Sunday night I spent the
Okay, well that was all
Thursday was Thanksgiving. I watched
wwI was off work on
Okay, well I thought I
Well I was going to
I have an appointment at
Last night I participated in
I am so excited..I just
Well everyone from out of
I feel like I am
Stepan asked me in the
I love it!!!!! I am
I HATE Netscape Navigator. This
Stepan is doing a marvelous
This is a test post
Homer was sleeping under the
So it's past Meredith's birthday
Started working on the pages.
I was just reviewing Meredith's
Well, Meredith's blog is set
Alex Convalesc
Search this blog:
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Dear George: Letters to the Pres.
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My Inner Athlete
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She Biz
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Recent Posts
Open Letter to Barack Obama
Examiner - New York Theatre, Producer
Danny's Little Tax Deduction
Are the stars out tonight?
Prayer for the Mourning #1
An Innermost Thought
Recs - Founding partner Tex in the City LLC
Baby Devlin
Danskin 2008
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