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January 29, 2002
On Friday I went to
On Friday I went to see a play called "True Love" that a friend of mine was managing. The performance I saw was being filmed by Lincoln Center for archival purposes with an unprecendented three cameras the night I went. (Lincoln Center usually only uses one, but the way the play was directed in that particular space required a minimum of three.) The theatre was in a converted Zipper factory. I fell in love with it immediately. It had a bar and the male and female restrooms shared sink space with the actual gender specific toilets in separate rooms The play was set in a gas station in rural New York. Basically all the characters talk about love or some deviation of it. There was nudity (male and female), a live chicken, and a live band. The play covered incest, bondage, festishes, cross-dressing, cheating and whatever other ribald aberration the author could dig up. That is all it had. I came away with the feeling that the author was looking into a mirror and preening for himself like Narcissus. The play was mostly dull (except for the nudity); like a sermon on sex from the Priest of Pretention. I was feeling pretty frustrated, bored, and critical of the play in the last ten minutes when all of the sudden I hear a dull ringing in the audience. Now this is one of my biggest pet peeves. Sure I didn't like the play but still those actors were up there working their very visible asses off. They deserve a little respect. And then it occurred to me: No! NO!....yes. I had forgotten to turn my cell phone off and it was the culprit of the offensive ring. I hurriedly turned it off, I think hanging up on the unsuspecting caller. I was so horrified. One of the Lincoln Center cameras was right in front of me too! And my friend was the Company Manager ! I felt like a bug. ........Why didn't they make the announcement at the beginning!!!! ?? As much as I hate the intrusion of a cell phone and I try to remember to turn it off always, I have always known that sooner or later my jig would be up. I would forget and it would be my turn to face the brunt of frustration from a dark audience, the self-loathing, the embarassment. God, I think, was saving this up for just the right, most disastrous, moment. She has a sick sense of humor.
Posted by mermu at January 29, 2002 01:16 PM
Meredith, I am so glad you are back...Love you!
Posted by: mom (aka Rita) at January 29, 2002 07:35 PM
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