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January 14, 2002

New Year's was a blast!

New Year's was a blast! I met my roommate at her boyfriend's apartment in the city for a Bulgarian tradition. You eat banitza and in your piece is a piece of paper foretelling where you will have fortune. I got "passionate love". Hmm. We shall see. :-)

After that I met my friend Julia and her roommate Andrew on the east side to go to a friend of her's small New Year's Eve soiree. It was an intimate group but we had a great time. There were libations and trays of delicious food and desserts (what that woman did with red peppers is amazing!) At about 10pm we made our way to my friend Jack's house. He has an apartment on 46th between 6th and 7th Ave which boasts an amazing view of the Times Square ball. So we partied on the roof, watched the ball drop and toasted the New Year famously. Who new when we were in High School on our New Year's trip to NYC that in 2002 we would be only blocks away from the hotel where we stayed that New Year's so long ago. Only this time we are full fledged adults with all the bells and whistles that entails and we are locals. It was a pretty cool experience.

The next day I got on a bus for Mt Pocono for the 3rd Annual Miss Millenium pageant. I was a judge for the second year in a row. It was a lot of fun. The "ladies" outdid themselves this year! Amber Waves' talent was groundbreaking and Miss DaBoat's costumes were stunning. Miss DaBoat is the well deserved Miss Millenium 2002. This year was a little more sedate than last year's as I was nursing a champagne hangover and tea totling that night and the other judges and audience members were less rambunctious than the rowdy lot I was with last year. But it was still a blast and a true highlight of my holidays. I yearn to produce a documentary about this momentous pageant.

Posted by mermu at January 14, 2002 08:25 PM


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