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January 14, 2002
I can say that it
I can say that it felt really weird being so far away from NYC too. People as far out as Texas just don't really get how traumatic the World Trade Center Attack actually was for New Yorkers and, indeed, still is. Case and point: Midnight mass the venerable Msgr. King gave a rousing homily about the events that transpired on 9-9! Now, I know that there were many in the congregation that recognized the mistake (and actually pointed it out to Monsignor after Mass.) He was appalled by his faux pas once he realized what he said versus what he meant. And it was an honest mistake. But can you imagine anyone doing that who lived in NYC? I don't know..there's more than that actually. We, in NYC (and, yes, New Jersey) are still dealing with it in our day-to-day lives. And the remnants of what it was like to be scared to get on a bus, go on the subway or see those faces on homemade flyers looking for some clue or bit of hope that a WTC Loved one wasn't dead will be with me for a long time if not forever. It seems to be over for my family and friends outside New York...a piece of history that we are trying to overcome. For New Yorkers it is more a piece of our lives in the now that we are trying to overcome. We are constantly reminded now of that awful day, not by what is there, but what isn't there. It was really weird to feel that fissure between myself and my friends and family in Texas.
Leaving Texas was really hard too. I was really despondent that I didn't get to see my Dad and say goodbye the day I left Texas. And I don't think he understood that at all. It was really no big deal for him that I was getting on a plane to NYC. It was, perhaps like any other time I had left for Houston, or wherever my life has taken me. For me, I wondered if I would ever see him again. Something could happen to him or me at anytime. I know that I didn't feel that sentimental about it all before 9-11. I think that is the biggest gap between me and my fellow Non New Yorker Texans. I feel as if I, to a small degree, lived through 9-11. And my family watched it on TV.
Texas just seems much farther away than it did on 9-10.
Posted by mermu at January 14, 2002 07:29 PM
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