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February 13, 2002

It looks like there may

It looks like there may finally be a working computer at the end of this dark tunnel I call Dell Customer Service. I checked online (via the graciousness of my roomie, Maia) and my a/c Adapter part is shipped today. I should get it tomorrow or the next day I hope! This is absolutely the worst time to not have a computer at home. The last coupla weeks without a decent computer brought me back to those olden days in the early 90s when I had a very limited 66mhz PC. Those days when accessing the simplest of webpages sometimes took 5 to 10 minutes on a good day. Horrors! It really is amazing how we as a people have come to rely on technological conveniences. The idea of writing something by hand seems so antiquated and time consuming. The same can be said for cell phones. Even those who are most stubborn about not having one (and you know who you are) benefit from other forward-thinking cell-o-philes. Technology has changed our lives so completely. I equate its influence on us with the influence of electricity in the early 20th century. Truth be told I am also a little pissed at myself for not being more productive when I first stopped working. But I also know that I was a little burned out and the time was recuperative if nothing else. That said, I have vowed to be loads more productive when I get back online.

I can't believe that Lent is here already! Wow! Although I am not currently a practicing Catholic I do like the tradition of Lent. Most people look to Lent as something that they "have" to do to prove their Catholicism, love for Jesus or even just willpower. I used to feel that way growing up I guess. I would give up things like Chocolate and Soda and struggle sometimes and think, ' If I have that Dr. Pepper, it means I don't love Jesus, I am a bad Catholic and will most likely fry in Hell with Hitler, the Romans, and other little girls who ate chocolate or drank soda when they shouldn't' Oooh. The pressure we Catholics put on little girls and boys. Come to think of it, there were alot of things I wanted to do, to think, to be, that I was led to believe I would fry in hell for. As I grow up and older, I have a different take on it and I sometimes stop in wonder at the way Jesus did things; how really giving He was and truly thoughtful for the well-being of all his brothers and sisters even thousands of years later. I don't think Jesus gives one good whip about how much chocolate little boys and girls eat, or whether we eat meat on Friday, or go to Church every Sunday. The whole point of Jesus dying on the cross was showing He loved us no matter what. We give up things for ourselves during Lent. We work on ourselves. Not eating chocolate or soda for awhile is good for those little boys and girls who eat too much of it, regardless of what it does for Jesus. Not eating meat on Friday is an excellent way to give a body a break from the most difficult food to digest. That is what He wants for us. We work on ourselves because we need to be worked on. Some of us more than others sure, but we all need to grow and to learn and find what we are all put on this earth to take with us wherever is next. The Church would have you believe we do it to prove something to God, or the Church. But God and Jesus are all about unconditional love and know us better than even we know ourselves. So what could we possibly prove?

Now I look at Lent as a time to take stock in who I am and where I am heading and discover what in my life is missing and how I can find that element. Throughout this I try to listen for God to guide me in the things I should achieve. How can I get to the place where I will be closer to God? That is what Lent is all about to me now. So this Lent, I will do something I have thought to do for 8 years. I am going to start the The Artist's Way. This is a twelve week "journey" which focuses on unlocking creativity. Obviously I won't be finished by Easter. So I will get to have two celebrations instead of one. One of the things I will be required to do is write in a journal, three pages a day. There are other things along the way...but that is the main toughie. So, thank you God for this opportunity. Wish me luck!

Posted by mermu at February 13, 2002 07:03 PM


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