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March 07, 2002

But they Make a

But they Make a Great Steak Dinner!
I had an interview today for a "bookkeeping position" at a company called Peregrine Enterprises. They own the Paradise club where I interviewed which is, to be somewhat oxymoronic, a "gentlemen's club". (Oxymoronic in the sense that these places have nothing to do with gentlemen.) It's really a clouded term for strip club. I knew where I was going before I agreed to the interview. And despite the preceding sentences, I was determined to keep an open mind and just see what it was. Although my first thought was that the "bookkeeper" was always the one on Law and Order they found tied to cement at the bottom of the Hudson. But my Dad always said they make a great steak dinner so....I would give it the old college try. Unfortunately, I never even got to a point where I had to wrestle with whether or not I would work in such a place. I was kept waiting for about 20 minutes. Then I was finally led down a hallway with many little doors. One doorway had a half-open curtain where you could see a small bed with red satin sheets among other things. When I got there I talked to the lady who currently held the position. She was a lovely older woman of what I think was Russian descent. Instead of interviewing me she proceeded to introduce me to the basic tasks that would be required. I felt more like I was being trained for a position than interviewed for one. Then she mentioned the position was more of a manager /bookkeeping position. I would be responsible for inventory, check outs etc. etc. She seemed pretty keen on me taking the job. Then it came to light that the man who would make the decision wasn't around. He had "stepped out" and she didn't know when he would be back. Well that was all I needed to hear. The man was wasting my time and I didn't even work for him yet. I don't think so. But it was an interesting adventure. The best part was getting to leave a message on my Dad's voicemail telling him I had interviewed for a position at a titty bar. Funny, he didn't mention anything about those steak dinners then.

Posted by mermu at March 7, 2002 11:50 PM


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