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April 11, 2002

Postarma A few weeks ago

A few weeks ago Maia taught me how to make a Bularian meat called Postarma. It is essentially Bulgarian beef jerky. It is also addictive. Postarma makes a nice compliment to crackers and cheese. Basically you cover the meat in salt for a few hours and then role in various herbs and spices and then let it hang outside for about a week depending on how cold it is. We started it right when there was a cold snap. As far as Maia knows you can only make it when it's cold as it doesn't dry exactly right in the fridge...unless you had a special meat locker where you could hang things. Also, I have a suspicion that the fresh air contributes in some way to the taste. It is a very tasty treat and very easy to make. We did have to fashion a small overhang outside Maia's window in case it rained (which it inevitably did.) I am very pleased to know how to make this. I plan on making it a winter ritual.

Maia also makes these incredible Dolmades (stuffed grape leaves). They are really tasty and I will know how to make them soon. The thing about Bulgarian cuisine is that it is heavily influenced by a variety cultures, Greek, Russian, Turkish and others. I would bet that is the case for alot of European and Middle Eastern cultures. It is definitely true of the Greek and Turkish. The sad thing about that is those cultures are totally at odds. The cover of Newsweek shows two girls on it; one was a Palestinian bomber, the other her victim. They could have been sisters by the looks of them. It is really tragic.

Back on the food thing: When I went to Kambri's to work on the website I stopped off at a Greek Deli in her neighborhood. They had Cyprus marinated olives! I haven't had them since I visited an ex-beau in Cyprus years and years ago. They are the only olives I love. This deli also had Greek Feta and it is so tasty you could eat it with a spoon. I won't though.

Posted by mermu at April 11, 2002 02:53 PM


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