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April 10, 2002

Working for a Living

Working for a Living
The last weekend in March I officially joined the working world again with a company I freelanced for last year. I really enjoy the people at this company. And the work is interesting. I am glad I get paid hourly as I have been working alot. That is the rub about returning to companies you've worked for in the past. They know what you can do and they actually expect it from you. I am actually really glad to not be temping with an agency. I would like to be at a point in my life where that isn't necessary. So for now at least, my work situation, though hectic, is great.

I have to admit I really miss being on the dole. I feel like I was so productive!!! Learning things. Working on my company. Voiceovers. Building websites. I was eating well and excercising and being creative. Ah me...This workaday world is not for me.

Artist's Way
While I am still doing my morning pages and trying to get an artist date in every week, I find myself perpetually in Week 5 for the last few weeks. I just haven't been able to move on to the next segment because I have been spread so thin. I am getting frustrated with myself. Working 12 hour days and starting a company make it really difficult to make the time. So I am determined this week to finish up week 5 and move on to week 6 if it kills me!!!!

The Oscars came and went. I have to say I LOVE Oscar night. It is so exciting. Even though I know it is all a marketing tool and really has nothing to do with a best anything I still anxiously await the answer to the question, "Whose name is on the envelope?" For the most part I agreed with the selections this year. Last year was such a bogus year, they really made up for it. I do think Jennifer Connelly as Best Supporting was a bit of a stretch. Kudos to Halle Berry and Denzel Washington. Though they may want to make it a black thing, I don't see that at all. I saw both of their performances and they were brilliant and deserved to be up there no matter what colors they were. Maybe that is why their wins were so historic. Being nominated is an honor; winning is politics. So it is historic. Because who would win politically wasn't about color. I don't know. Color was such a big issue that night it's hard to say. While I was a little miffed that Halle Berry didn't have the courtesy to thank her costars I was really excited she won. And I have to admit I was glad Russell didn't win. And though if they were called the "merediths" I would most likely have given the award to Tom Wilkinson for "In the Bedroom" I thought Denzel Washington was amazing in "Training Day". So if you haven't seen them, go see "Training Day", "Monster's Ball" and "In the Bedroom".

April Fools came and went and I was too busy to have any fun. I did see something interesting on a few blogs though. I love April Fool's day. It's just not the same without calling my dad and telling him I'm either in prison or pregnant or both. Wish I had time this year. ....Just wait till 2003.

My friend Jim is away for the next few months. He is directing a show in Germany. I miss him bunches. In May I will go see the premiere of his musical "Playing the Palace" in WI. This will pass as a vacation for me. I get to stay in a hotel!! Yippee.

Little Italy
Scott's mom Stella came to visit over Easter Weekend. I haven't seen her for almost 10 years!! Stella is such a lovely person. I have always liked her. She was always so respectful of me...even as a kid. She was really great at treating us like adults even when we weren't quite. We had dinner at a place in Little Italy and Oh my God!!! The food was amazing. I walked in the restaurant expecting to eat a little salad. I am on a diet after all. Well that went out the window with the first coarse. In little Italy they just bring out food course by course until you are full. We only made it to the pasta...which is about the second of 4 or five courses. We did have a little dessert too. :-) I am definitely putting Little Italy on my Places to Go list when people from out of town visit. It was so much fun.

Posted by mermu at April 10, 2002 01:52 AM


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