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May 21, 2002

This is no Bull

This is no Bull
The night after our TITC party at Serena, Greg, Scott and I went to the "Thirsty Thursday" hosted by the UT alumni association in NY. Afterwards, Greg and I decided to walk to 9th and 42nd since it was such a nice night. As we were walking down 42nd we stopped at a vendor selling cheap pictures of NYC sights. When I say cheap, I mean cheap. The mattes they came in were okay enough but the pictures looked like they were xeroxed. We couldn't help stopping and looking at his wares though. One caught both my and Greg's eye. It was a color picture of the Bull down on Wall Street. I realized that I had yet to visit the Bull since I lived here. What a travesty as it looked like quite the mighty structure. Since I have stock, I should be visiting the bull a lot more often especially given the sorry state of things since Jr.'s been around. The vendor was very polite but very earnest in his desire to sell me a picture. I kept saying no thank you but the pictures were good. He was very diligent though in his quest to make a deal. As we moved on, I thank him and Greg and I were on our way. The vendor ran after us. As I turned he handed me a picture and said it was a gift for me. I was overwhelmed! Never, NEVER do the vendors give away their product. It was such a surprising thing. My picture of the Bull on Wall Street is currently on the mantel of my living room. Maybe they aren't so cheap after all. A week later I found myself at the Bull at 7am having my pictures taken with my partners at TITC for promotional stuff we may or may not be doing in the future. Seems the bull and I were destined to meet.

TITC Photo Shoot
The partners and I decided to have some photos taken around NYC so that we would have them for business plans and such. So we enlisted Harrison a friend of Scott's who is also a photographer to help us out. Shoot day came around and we met at the Bull at 6:30 a.m. It was early!!! Seven hours later and we had been to Soho, Chinatown, and Central Park. It was a blast but I was exhausted. I have seen some of the digitals of the day and they look promising. We are still looking to hear from Harrison about the pictures from the SLR. If any of them are good I will post a few.

In an eery but unrelated note, a guy I used to date got married this weekend. His last name is Bull. And that's no bull

Posted by mermu at May 21, 2002 12:18 AM


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