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May 20, 2002

Goodbye Ally I watched the

Goodbye Ally
I watched the last episode of Ally McBeal tonight and I must admit, I am a little depressed. Not necessarily that the show is ending..but necessarily because the show is ending. In the last year, at least, the writing had suffered dramatically. Ally was less of a quirky romantically notioned girl and more of a really depressed and whiny person. When it was first announced that the show was canceled there was nary a whimper from the cast or the production company. I don't think they were too upset that the show was over. Honestly, I think that most of those people were ready to move on. Try something different. Good for them. But you get the feeling that the characters have all died and that world is gone forever. The X-files is gone too. Now I stopped watching the X-files a few years ago. The story had just run out...just like the story for Ally McBeal seemed to have run out. I have to say with Ally I really enjoyed how far they took the fantasy. I loved that anything could happen. I hope David E. Kelly finds another place for that original quirkiness. I am actually happy that this is one less thing I am tempted to watch. And there is nothing to take its place. TV is the devil.

That said, Jenny don't forget to tape Buffy for me as I am taping 24. Damn. TV is the devil.

Posted by mermu at May 20, 2002 11:14 PM
