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July 25, 2002

New York Moments Over the

New York Moments
Over the last few weeks two events occurred that were milestones of my "New Yorker-ness". First, I had my first ride, ever, in a rickshaw. I have recently seen the rickshaw drivers making their way through the streets of Manhattan but never ventured onto one. I just took for granted they would be too expensive an extravagance for poor, struggling artist me. I was walking up 6th avenue toward a meeting at Serena when I realized I was going to be about 5 minutes late. I decided to splurge on a taxi but couldn't get one. I must have looked frustrated. After not catching a cab for the 2nd traffic light I noticed there were two rickshaws on the street almost right in front of me. I know it's hard to imagine but I didn't even see them until I thought I might need one. The closest driver asked me if I wanted a ride. He was a strapping young man. His name was Dani. He looked the epitome of the all-American boy. Blond hair, blue eyes, healthy. This was ironic as he was from Estonia. He was strikingly handsome, briefly suspended in that misty period between being a boy and a man. I warily asked him how much it would cost me. He flashed me a guileless smile and said, "Five dollars. You are my first customer of the day and I always give a good deal to my first customer." I decided I could handle a fiver, got in the rickshaw and proceeded to savor the odd sensation of being carried about and driven on the street in an open air vehicle. It was a lovely ride. It made the heavy, heated air less heavy. I so enjoyed watching the people on the streets, in the cars and the general life of the city unfold before me on my gentle ride to Serena. And it was peculiar to enjoy these sensations whilst I was staring at the back of this boy/man from Estonia. I noticed he had an odd "nut" inside his right calf. Well, it looked like a nut. I wondered what it was, hoped it was nothing, and imagined it was some sort of peculiar unique dimple. When I got off the rickshaw I gave the man his fare and a small tip. It was the best $6 I've spent in a long time.

I've seen the Angel Man
There is a man here in the city. I think he is homeless. He is known mostly by word of mouth but I also think there are occasional slice-of-life pieces done about him on TV documentaries and news shows. He has long, luscious though unkempt, black hair. He looks to be of Asian descent. The interesting thing about this man, this New York legend, is that he walks about town in nothing but white trunks and a pair of human-size full-feathered and dusty wings. I saw him in person for the first time yesterday as I was running an errand for one of my current jobs. It was like seeing somebody famous. As my Uncle Pat might put it, seeing this bird was a lifer. It was an exciting moment in an otherwise dreary day. I couldn't help but smile at this character who is so unique and playful and who approaches life with a sense of humor, joy and wonderment that belies his outcast state. The moment was a little bittersweet. It's entirely possible this angel, dirty and ruffled from a life on the street, might be hungry or imprisoned in a drugged stupor or worse. I hope not. At any rate, I applaud his uniqueness and hope it stems from something holy rather than loneliness.

Posted by mermu at July 25, 2002 12:28 AM


Believing in God does not require believing in religion.

Posted by: Waite Julie Piper at January 25, 2004 02:11 PM

Meet Leslie, Austin's most famouse homeless man. He came in 2nd place in the last mayoral election...a distant 2nd, but 2nd place none-the-less!

Posted by: Jfer at July 25, 2002 11:36 AM

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