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October 26, 2002
Where she gets it, I'll never Know
Found these on my sisters once dormant, now active blog. I am really excited about finding out which Strictly Ballroom character I am.
I actually filled the Goddess thing out and got two Goddesses. How about that!!!!

And I am Scott Hastings!!!

You're Scott Hastings!
Take the Which Strictly Ballroom Dancer Are You? Quiz
Also try my other quizzes.
Posted by mermu at October 26, 2002 12:30 AM
I agree with Jfer...Elizabeth needs her own blog...Pat, you should step up to the plate and grab the best bat you can find, take your swing and become the best cyber landlord that you can be...I think, that if you ask, Stepan might be willing to instruct you...:-)sign me---"one happy tenant"
Posted by: mom at October 29, 2002 10:47 PM
Wow...I am Hestia......and Scott Hastings too!
Posted by: Deborah at October 29, 2002 04:30 PM
I think Elizabeth really needs her own blog.
Posted by: Jfer at October 28, 2002 09:54 AM
That's interesting that you got to be two goddesses! Wonder what that indicates about your personality . . .
On your baking/cooking/Mother Earth entry below, along those same lines I bought a pre-seasoned cast-iron Dutch oven last week and did a pot roast in it. Not ever having made the recipe before (for a Traditional Yankee Pot Roast that I got out of the Houston Chronicle earlier this month), it was hard for me to judge if it was any better than if it had been made in a different pot, but the potatoes and carrots were SUPERB. And I have never said that about carrots before in my life. I actually went back for seconds on them. The Dutch oven is from Lodge Logic, which is now selling limited items pre-seasoned. I even got $10 off with a coupon from Jennifer! Anyway, my point I was leading up to is that even if it didn't actually taste any better . . . I felt better cooking with it. And doesn't that count for something?
Posted by: Elizabeth at October 28, 2002 12:10 AM
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