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October 16, 2002

My anniversary

Happy anniversary, Baby

Today I celebrate two years in the big city. I can't believe it. For many transplants two years is a landmark anniversary. Either you stay for at least another three or you move back home. I can tell you that my last trip to Texas was the first time I actually wished I could have hung out awhile but I have no intentions of leaving this area anytime soon. I think that feeling of whistfulness in Austin was due mostly to the whirlwind pace of the occasion. I am a mix of New Yorker and Texan now just as I am a mix of Mexican, German and Irish descent. Some days it's 80% Texan, some days more like 40% and whatever is left belongs to New York. There will always be that Texan inside. No matter how much of me is New York, I will always need that occasional dose of stifling heat, good Southern music, a howdy and a "how do ya do" in a good twangy drawl, true tea that's brewed, driving in a car for miles without seeing a town, wildflowers on the highway, and the wide smile of my fellows that know the true meaning of "tejas". But as I toast my second year in the Northeast and raise a glass to the future in my third, I know there are things in New York I need a dose of too. In some ways the two places aren't so different. You can find the colors of a Texas sunset here. They have just made their homes in the trees of a crisp fall day instead of the massive blanket of a Texas horizon.

Posted by mermu at October 16, 2002 11:15 AM


That, I think, was the thing I missed most when living in England--being able to drive for miles seeing all the way to the horizon all around me, and not seeing a single town breaking the view.

Posted by: Elizabeth at October 22, 2002 12:17 AM

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