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December 13, 2002
Now who's the Tough Guy
Poor Mr. Bloomberg has been playing rough with the rest of the city and a transit strike looms. This means that buses and subways in and out of the city will cease to function. Bloomie's plan is to put stringent rules on car commuters and close off parts of the city's streets. If you ask me the poor guy is learning the hard way that government is not like a company. You can't just fire citizens if they don't kowtow to your every whim. In general, I think the guy has no clue how to run a government. He has so much money he doesn't realize that taking so little as 2.3% out of some working stiff's paycheck can mean alot. To make matters worse, I think he hates his job.Unlike some idiots in office though, I think Bloomie realizes he sucks at it.
I have to say it's all a little exciting. This is government by the people for the people at its best. These workers are letting it all hang out for what they believe and are excercising their rights as Americans despite the sacrifices that may be imposed upon them. This kind of a thing could cripple the city in very weird ways and, should it actually happen, would be a historic moment. Part of me doesn't believe it will actually happen. No subways in NYC. Come on! Still, I have a contingency plan or two and may be getting really chummy with my bicycle in the next couple of days. BTW, if you read the linked yahoo article about the injunction on the strike, don't count out those transit workers yet. You never get anywhere in NYC by trying to bulldoze a big group of New Yorkers. Come on, Bloomie. I learned that the first week I was here.
Posted by mermu at December 13, 2002 08:30 PM
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