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May 05, 2003
Art of the Block; A glossary
I went to the Portability comedy show that Kambri's boy friend (will not out him as a B.F. one word because you know how those things go and until you hear it from their lips it is inapropos to assume the big BF/GF relationship. The 21st century is a real pain in the ass sometimes.) Christian hosts at the Gerschwin theatre. It was loads of fun. The Gerschwin is really cool. In fact Tex in the City is hosting it's first 4:Your Consideration Art Series event there in June.
During the event between dinner and the show my partner Greg and I expounded on the various kinds of blocking. I decided to include a brief glossary here for you enjoyment and education.
- Cock Blocking: This is the one everybody knows. A prime example is when a guy is hitting on a hot girl in a bar and another man intrudes on the conversation thereby "blocking" the first guy's play.
- Blocking the Box: the same but the girl is hitting on the guy and another girl (or guy for that matter) block's her play.
- Walk Blocking: This is essentially what happens alot in New York pedestrian traffic. Either you are walking at a pace and there are people in front of you at a much slower non-New York pace, or you are walking along and someone speeds around you from the side, stepping directly in front of you. Both issues are frequently noticed when they happen while driving. It happens all the time while walking in New York City.
- Talk Blocking: This happens all the time everywhere and I think it is a personal peeve. When talking in a group where there is no specific sexual undercurrents and a person in the group turns there back effectively blocking you from the rest of the group and conversation. Arggh! This one really gets me.
Last but not least....
- Mock Blocking: When a person jumps in on the punchline or joke you are telling or in any other way deters you from completing the joke effectively, they are Mock Blocking you.
Okay, that's the best of what we came up with for now. Feel free to add your own variations in the comments.
Posted by mermu at May 5, 2003 09:28 AM
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