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June 01, 2003
Inner Circle; Member of the Wedding
While at the Houston graduations I got to hang out with some of my favorite relatives who aren't relatives at all. My Uncle John has a really great family who seem to be able to walk that line between being fun and jovial, witty and boistrous without being racous and seeming overly bold as our family can sometimes be. They are pretty fun but they also maintain an aire of grace that has always eluded me. Uncle John's neice is getting married this summer and everyone is excited. During the weekend it became clear that some members of the Karl clan were invited while others were not.
This seemed like a given to me. Our family is huge. I'm not even sure I would invite us all, were I getting married. (just kidding. Mom, family, you will all get invites..although NOT anytime soon.) Maybe I would have felt differently if I lived in the state... I don't know though. It doesn't really matter I guess. I was honestly excited to hear about the nuptuals without feeling left out. And I was a little surprised when some members of the fam made mention of it. I knew they were joking, but "truth cometh out in jest".
Apparently the recognition of the Clan did not go unnoticed by the In-law in-laws. At the graduation party, the mother of the bride announced that all were welcome to celebrate. I felt a little bad that it had come to this but then again, score for the "overly bold".
Then when I got home from the Memorial Day trip there it was in all it's glory. Nestled between bills, a magazine and another damn offer to use credit card checks was my beautiful pristine formal ivory-colored invitation postmarked before the Memorial Day holiday!!! I made the short list!!! Okay, I still can't go. But I have to say, I am feeling pretty groovy about being a member of the inner circle. I'm one of the "in crowd". I sit at the "cool kids table"! I rock! Yeah, I'm all that.
Uh-oh. I am just remembering that Karmic curse.....
Posted by mermu at June 1, 2003 12:44 PM
In my own defense (since as far as I know, I started the whole thing) . . .
I think that the only reason I thought it funny was because such a similar incident happened recently re the Gavins' anniversary party (or whatever it was). You are absolutely correct that some of those who did not receive invitations to that event were hurt; however, the same assumption does not apply in this case, at least not to me. I teased John privately; I see him frequently enough when I stay at his house and felt he knows me well enough to do this. He is the person who told his sister, also in the same vein (I was there when he did so). If it later came across to others as mean-spirited, then perhaps I erred in my perception of my comfort level with John and his family, and I would freely and readily apologize if that turns out to be the case. Having been married myself, I am fully aware of the agonizing that can go on over a guest list, and I am also well informed about the budgetary implications of a large guest list--I would never resent or feel slighted by not being invited to someone's wedding other than an immediate family member. I am sorry that you think so little of my character.
Posted by: Elizabeth at June 9, 2003 05:23 PM
You know, you still have to send a wedding present, even though you can't go...
Posted by: stepan at June 4, 2003 12:13 PM
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