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September 19, 2003

Waiting for Godot

When I was a little girl I remember my mother telling me, "Meredith, You are going to have to meet Prince Charming if you'll ever settle down. Nothing else would ever satisfy you." At the time I thought that was an ominous prediction and not true. Scott Z., my classmate, was only 12. Though taller than I and pretty cute, he was shy and like all of us that age, a little awkward about the whole guy/girl thing. He wasn't a prince at all and I thought he was fabulous. I didn't think I wanted much really.A kind heart, honor, humor, something in their face or physique that turned me on and an adventurous soul don't seem like too much for a girl to ask. There was a recent situation with a new-soon-to-be-old squeeze I'll call Flash. Nice enough man, but in the end a little selfish at times where a woman can not abide it. And then there is Rhett.

For starters, Rhett and Sluefoot Sue are having a bit of a rough time of it. Sluefoot Sue likes her fun, but she is discovering Rhett is more and more frivolous with each passing day. But I digress. Rhett and I went out for a function in which he invited his friends and my same day b-day buddies The Mayor and ET (He's not an extra terrestrial but he does have a heart of gold.) Anyway on this night Rhett was being Rhett, macking down on the girl du jour named Krista from Brooklyn. Yeehaw. I even had the perverse opportunity to tell Krista Rhett was a good guy. She should "go for it.". I lied. But so what if she gets stomped on. She was kind of snotty to The Mayor before she realized he was Rhett's friend. She'd be perfect for Rhett. And she'll deserve what she gets. We went to Red Rock West. A "Cowboy Ugly" place full of people pretending to be Cowboys. By the end of the night when we said our goodbyes Rhett did something that surprised even me. Something which has made me lose enough respect for him that I have started to realize just how little I am regarded by him. More on that in the next entry. So on this night I had another striking example of how far away Rhett or anyman is from Prince Charming. Heck. He's not even Scott Z.

How's that for a Teaser?

Posted by mermu at September 19, 2003 08:22 AM


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