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November 25, 2003

Tammy was Right

Sometimes it is hard to be a [business] woman. A few months ago, I found that one of a client's employees was personally responsible for roughly 40% of the phone bill to make calls out-of-country. This person was an immigrant and, while working for a competitive wage, he didn't make alot of money. Given that what he was doing was basically theft, I had to insist that he pay the money back. It was an issue we had addressed before. He was supposed to pay a little every week until it was paid but after 3 weeks had yet to make a dent. Still it was heartbreaking because he wasn't a young man, nor was he well-educated. He was somebody's father or son or husband and here I was having to humble him in this ignominious manner. And to pay the money back would most certainly be a burden. It was a hard thing to see a grown man, despondent and tearful and still force him to do this right thing. I was insistent and steadfast; a hard ass. The man agreed to a more stringent payment arrangement and we agreed to forgive a small portion of the debt so that he could keep his job. He left the office and I bawled in my sweater. Mr. Cheaver aka Rhett was there and thought my behaviour was bizarre. "Business is business" he said. "He would have been fired anywhere else." I agreed with him and I thought I behaved admirably when it counted; when the man was in the office. Despite my conflicting emotions I still did the right thing and I only broke down in front of a friend to whom I thought I could break down.

That's me and I'm not so sure it's a bad thing. I may have to go home and cry in my sweater but in the end I'll make the right decision.

A few weeks ago, I made a hard choice. With any luck, a tense situation could be resolved soon. I don't want to jinx it, so I won't go into too much detail and don't ask. I'll divulge if and when there's a development to divulge. Let's just say that I had to make the right decision-the hard decision and tonight, I'm crying in my sweater.

Posted by mermu at November 25, 2003 12:04 AM


That is sad.

Hang in there, Sis. Luv ya mucho.

Posted by: Sister at November 26, 2003 12:59 AM

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