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April 05, 2004

Ones that Do

I hosted my second Raclette dinner tonight. This time the guests were Auntie and Uncle Kansas. I was very pleased to a)use my grill again b)make a dent in the enormous amount of cheese I have left and c) show off my apartment and my view to the family members visiting. I served the raclette, more sausage, potatoes, asparagus and capped the night with a fine chocolate and vanilla ice cream for dessert.

The affair has kicked off a new tradition for me. If you come to visit me from out of town, I will host a dinner at my house for you on one of the evenings you are in town if you so choose. Now I know I compete with many culinary wonders just across the river, but my hope is the adventure of going to New Jersey for you out of towners and the promise of a well-prepared meal will sway visitors.

Hopefully this tradition will even compel mom or dad to come and visit. If not I may have to resort to what she did.

At one part of dinner, Uncle Pat remarked about the eccentricities of asparagus. He asked me if my pee smelled after eating this tasty green vegetable. I informed him that I never noticed an odd smell so we deducted that I did not have smelly, asparagus pee as I most assuredly would recognize the odor. Pat mentioned that there were two kinds of people in the world with respect to asparagus smelly pee. The ones that don't and the ones that do.

Now, I'm not sure if this is a scientific fact in the same way there are two kinds of people, those that can make their tongue look like a taco and those that can't. Or those that can raise one eyebrow at a time and those that can't. (I can do neither.) Pat gave the impression that it was a scientific fact when he mentioned it, but then Pat frequently gives that "scientific fact" impression when he mentions anything. I suppose it doesn't really matter if it's a fact or not.

Lo and behold, this evening after I went to the bathroom to pee I did notice a rather unusual smell. I was quite surprised to realize that when it comes to asparagus and smelly pee. I'm one of the Ones that Do.

Posted by mermu at April 5, 2004 12:02 AM


I am pretty certain that the above Kathleen is not the same Kathleen with whom I shared a bed for many years from age 1 til 15. However, I would like to say that I have noticed a rather peculair scent in my pee after I have had my morning coffee. This is a rather new developement and I have pondered it during my morning pees. It has become a minor curiosity for me.

Posted by: mom (aka Rita) at April 5, 2004 07:09 PM

About the smelly pee: it WAS accepted as scientific fact, up until recently, that there were 2 kinds of people when it came to funny asparagus pee, those who did and those who didn't have it. Then some brainiac scientist realized that the reason they thought there were those two kinds of people was that they had simply asked people to report if they smelled it in their own urine or not. Since about half reported the funny smell and half didn't, they figured it was a matter of different metabolisation of the veggie. But it dawned on the brainiac that maybe the two different groups of people were actually those who could and those who could not detect the smell, so he or she checked it out and it turned out that that was the case- people either have the gene for smelling it or they don't, but we all make stinky pee after eating asparagus. So you were correct when you likened it to the tongue-rolling thing because that is a genetic either/or also. Wish I could remember the source so I could site it. Probably Harper's magazine back around October or so, but I'm not sure.

Posted by: Kate at April 5, 2004 12:57 PM

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