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October 01, 2004

The Buzz (This is what a-happened.)

So I've been MIA for the last few weeks. There's so much to tell and so much I've done but I suppose I should start at the beginning.

First I can't say how honored I was at the talent that came out for Celebrate NY. The artist, the band, the businesses who donated were A-plus. I am so humbled and honored by their work and willingness to donate for this little idea I have.

The event was a good time and came off really well. We managed to get some decent press (prominently featured in Time Out NY), raise a little money for the charity, and sow the seeds for future events.

Upon returning home that night I was a little shell-shocked from the realization that I had completed the last project in my own personal summer of craziness. I was pleased in many ways about the event, but as usual I can't help but wish I had done more. I was tired but still a little too wired to contemplate sleep. On PBS there was a documentary about some of the survivors of 9-11 and the process they went through on that day.

It's amazing how fresh the wounds emerge, like a rare and macabre rebirth of a sad and deformed baby that scares you but you none-the-less love. You watch the tower get hit...yet again and you can't help but wish fervently that it doesn't happen. That it won't happen. This time that jet full of people and fear and hate will miss and there'll be time to regroup and do something. But the missile reaches its target and there you are, once again with this child, misshapen and unnatural; innocence charred and blemished. But it was innocence once, and for that you cherish it; you will never have another one again.

It's still amazing to me how a group of people so far away could work so fastidiously and selflessly to be so destructive and foster such hatred. Terror cells on the globe like little carcinomas waiting to infiltrate and destroy. Terror cells linked by doctrine only; destroy, eradicate, undermine.

And then I got angry, livid really. Laying on my borrowed bed staring at a 9inch television after my very first Post 9-11 event. Those bastards will pay for what they've done and in the most unlikely way. They'll regret the day they ever came after us...after me and MY city in such a way. They will be the victims of their own weapon and forever regret the day they showed us how to use it.

What if instead of terror cells there were cells of a different kind? Cells united in only the name of fostering community, democracy, and peace. Next year, instead of one 9-11 event designed to improve, beautify, educate a community, what if there were 20? All over the state, country, globe. For every terror cell that germinates, let us create and foster twenty cells of Peace, Forgiveness, Community, Tolerance.

So my efforst are redoubled to make this 9-11 movement as big, as prosperous as far-reaching as it possibly can be. I owe my business plan, in part, to Mr. Bin Ladin. He taught me the power of fragmentation with a single purpose. I'm going to use it to destroy him...or at least what he stands for.

Posted by mermu at October 1, 2004 06:04 PM


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