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November 09, 2004

True Colors: The Bright and the Dark

Well, it's been some time and I've been able to reflect and come to terms with the shame of our nation. George Bush gets another 4 years...and so we must endure. While Canada is somewhat tempting (or Spain, or Italy) I'm not the type to cut and run. I'm the kind of Texan who accepts responsibility for my actions even if my president is not.

The Bright side is that things certainly won't get better and hopefully that means still-lower interest rates. I may actually be able to buy property in this very valuable real estate area in the next four years. The dark side is, Jr's mismanagement could spark record-high inflation and the accompany-ing interest rates and I'll be renting forever.

The Bright side is that I have acquired a skill that most companies require whether they are in the red or the black. I am also in an industry that thrives on bringing issues pertinent to our nation out to the forefront and almost 56 million Americans actually care about the issues. The Dark Side is, well, I'd only be in better shape if I were a preacher, snake oil salesman, or CEO of a bankrupt oil company.

The Bright side is I and my immediate family aren't in the "draftable" age ranges. I wish the best for our Armed Services and fear the worst. The Bright Side is Al Quaeda has already hit my 'hood and we are surviving. The Dark side is they might hit my home, Texas. The Dark side is the person who has done more to recruit Muslim terrorists against the US just won four more years in the White House.

So I guess we can say it's not all bad, right. I really thought that Kerry would win. I can't necessarily fault Bush that he won this time. In 2000, he attained the Presidency the same way he got every other job he's had in his life; nepotism. In that case it was tinged with disenfranchisement and the collusion of a Supreme Court that shamed history and a nation. But this year, he was elected. More people chose him than didn't. I think I am more disappointed with Americans than with anything.

Most people disagree with Bush policies, they don't like the direction toward which the country is headed, they believe Bush is mis-handling the war in Iraq. When it came down to it, putting food on the table, having a meaninful job, healthcare, and education for their children meant less than being able to tell strangers whom they could marry or what they could do to their body. They should be ashamed.

I guess it's just not bad enough. The economy in West Virginia hasn't sunk low enough. Ohio hasn't lost enough jobs. Mothers, and Wives, and Children of the rural South haven't lost enough loved ones in this mockery of a war. Such a shame.

In the end the Bright side is I think I'll survive four more years of GWB. Maybe I'm just fooling myself but I think I'll be alright. The Dark side is I'll get to watch others suffer; go to war, lose jobs, manuever a negligient education and healthcare system. And while the Darker Side of me would like to say "you deserve it" to those Bush-voters in the next four years of trial and tribulation, the Brighter part of me will try to help and fight for something better.

Posted by mermu at November 9, 2004 07:08 PM


"The Bright side is I and my immediate family aren't in the "draftable" age ranges."

Well, there are Matthew and Courtney. And Brian is in the reserves, and you've got cousins on the Lucio side in the age (and a cousin-in-law who's actually flying in Iraq). Most families have someone (potentially) affected.

But I don't really expect a draft. The way I figure, there will be "elections" in Iraq next spring (accessible by maybe 2/3 of the country - but that's good anough for Rummy), the people will elect a Shia government, Bush'll accept it as the "will of the people" and pull out the troops while the now "free" Iraq descends into a civil war.

Posted by: stepan at November 10, 2004 08:40 AM

I must be in a really dark mood. I was gonna try to continue your theme of The Bright and the Dark. I could not come up with anything bright on this particular subject. So, I will keep my dark thoughts to myself. Except, that I sincerely hope that at the end of this presidency, I don't get to say to all the Bush voters; "I told you so!"

Posted by: Mom at November 9, 2004 09:51 PM

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