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December 24, 2004

What would Pru Do?

Prudence had a friend who asked her how to deal with an issue involving a recent breakup and another friend's response to said breakup. I thought Pru's response was perfect and it gave me an idea to include a segment called What would Pru Do?. Here's the first installment:

Dear Pru,
I recently told a friend of mine about a breakup with a girl I had been dating for the last 7 months. Said friend proceeded to bash me to other friends and demanded to know what I had done to screw things up. Said friend was furious with me and was certain that I done something heinous to ruin the relationship.

The truth is my girlfriend and I had a great relationship and I still care deeply for her but we have different religions and we've discovered that for us, this difference would get in the way of a future together. The break-up was amicable. While I still care for her a great deal, I am certain this is the best thing for both of us.

I know my "said friend" may not know all of the details of the breakup but I am doubly hurt that friend would think so poorly of me. I was looking for support and I got criticism and vitriole. What should I do?

Catholic girl's Jewish ex-boyfriend

Read on for Pru's response....


Tell "said friend" to shove off. She's rude, immature and no friend of yours if her immediately response is to blame you for something about which she knows nothing. Even if you were a lying, cheating bastard a true friend would have found a way to support you.


So that was Pru's response. What would you have suggested? If you have any questions for Pru send them to me at offers@mermu.net. I'll see that she gets them.

Posted by mermu at December 24, 2004 01:29 PM


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