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January 03, 2005

Unimaginable Woes

After Earthlink refused to honor the billing agreement we made when I ordered DSL at the new place, I decided to cancel my service and go to Verizon. Verizon it seems is just as stupid about starting my service as Earthlink was. (Let's hope they can get it done in less than three months which is what it took Earthlink.)

I wouldn't be so upset about large corporations taking their customer service jobs overseas if I didn't feel like it was just a flimsy excuse to provide bad customer service. I've had to wade through mumbling, barely recognizable English with people who had no idea about how their employer worked or how to give good customer service. I am literally about to pull my hair out.

It turns out that Earthlink, true to form, has done a bang up job of screwing up my account. In addition to overcharging me astronomically for services I wasn't provided, they've failed to notify their service provider, Covad, to cancel my account. Supposedly Verizon can't do anything until this happens. While I'm really pissed at Earthlink, Verizon isn't off the hook. It would have been nice to have this information before the first Verizon cancellation, about 4 hours of phone calls, and approximately 6 representatives from an "undisclosed location."

Tune in next time for the continuing saga....

Posted by mermu at January 3, 2005 08:37 PM


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