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January 19, 2005
White Epiphany
Last Sunday I hosted the 4th annual Epiphany party for friends and travelers. I think it may have been my best one yet. I had a great time searching for great bargains in presents that people would think I spent alot more money on than I actually did. Having a present party after Christmas is a stroke of genius I must say. My favorite find was a laptop case from the Gap on sale and with a coupon. I bought two and kept one and even at twice the price, I didn't even pay for the five minutes of labor I used when paying for the gifts.
This year I went out on a limb and decided to make crepes despite never having made them before. I've always thought it would make a fun party to have crepes and then various fixings with which to fill them. So I went out and bought a crepe pan a few months ago in preparations and proceeded to forget about it until I was ready to make them the day of the party. Talk about cutting it close. Fortunately, if my attempts failed, I could walk to the grocery store less than a block away and get something else. Even more fortunate, my crepes turned out really well. And they were so much fun to make. Once I got the basic hang of it they were pretty easy. I don't know why I thought they were so difficult. Perhaps because they are French. Maybe back in the day, they were a sign of true culinary skill but with the non-stick coated crepe pans they are a cinch. I even deviated from the original recipe a bit, adding spinach to the main course crepes and sugar and vanilla to the dessert ones. It was a lot of fun to cook and to eat and my guests really liked them. I will definitely make them again.
I had quite an eclectic group of people at the party. Guests on a spur-of-the-moment trip from Houston, guests I've known since college, old roommates, old boyfriends and my current one with a few travelers from foreign locales made it a true tribute to the original wise kings that traversed toward a star.
It also gave me a much needed excuse to finally complete moving in my apartment and clean my house! It is so much nicer to have a clean, organized apartment. I focus better, I'm more productive. And the only time I really seem to get it in good shape is just before a party.
My guests seemed very impressed with my little apartment and I must say it felt really homey and comfortable and very much like me. We talked and laughed and drank and ate until just past midnight. Promising to keep in touch this new year, we said our goodbyes and they went into the night. The next morning I awoke to find my first New York snow of the season. A small snow, but snowy enough to promise a cozy, white winter.
Posted by mermu at January 19, 2005 01:21 PM
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