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March 23, 2005

Schiavo's Congress

Think about this: While Congress and Bush are busy pontificating on the news about "erring on the side of life" and demolishing the separation of powers and checks and balances, what else are they doing?

High on their agendas are:
1) Drilling in the Arctic Refuge. This is something that Republicans have tried to pass and failed on numerous occasions. Drilling in the Arctic Refuge will take at the least 10 years to realize any product and will not effectively reduce US dependence on foreign oil. We use 25% percent of the world's oil. There is no way that drilling in Alaska will alleviate that. The only way for Americans to reduce their need for foreign oil is to either reduce waste of energy or to assimilate or invade an oil rich country. We're already doing the latter though the former seems like a much more intelligent if less bloody way to achieve our goal. For more info on this issue, check out this

(2) Social Security. Bush has proposed a Social Security plan that that even Republicans can't get behind. And yet it might pass because we are all in a tizzy over Bush and the Republican's flagrant disregard for our Constitution by pushing their weight around in a very personal very sorrowful situation. They couldn't be more offensive if they were pissing on the graves of our founding fathers.

So it looks like in this instance, the judicial system is actually behaving judiciously and fighting not only for Schiavo and her husband's right to make a difficult choice but also fighting for what's right...at least according to American laws and concepts of Liberty and Freedom. So I say to you, don't let these shifty Senators and Congresspeople pull the fast one. We should keep our eye on the ball, even though they seem to think they have enough time to get involved in a family dispute.

Posted by mermu at March 23, 2005 12:56 PM


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