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March 25, 2005
So much for "erring on the side of life"
In a recent policy shift, George Bush is selling F16s to Pakistan. So much for "erring on the side of life." It reminds of a big arms sale in days of old. In the summer of '79, the US began selling what would eventually become $3 billion in arms and aid to a little faction in Afghanistan called the Mujahideen. One of the more conservative tribes of the Mujahideen were known as the Taliban.
Posted by mermu at March 25, 2005 01:04 PM
Actually, the Taliban were not a "tribe" but rather a movement. Incidentally, many (if not most) of its founders were Afghan exiles in Pakistan.
But yes, selling F16 to a military government (which came to power by overthrowing a democratically elected government) is simply brilliant. Especiallty considering that F16s are of little value in the "war on terror" but quite useful for delivering nuclear warheads to India, Pakistan's old foe and the world's largest democracy.
But that's OK, because we'll sell India even more advanced weapons systems.
Posted by: stepan at March 26, 2005 01:34 PM
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