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April 22, 2005

Fiesta Mas Fina!

Well, my Mexican Brunch was a huge hit. I ended up making about 5 dozen tortillas in three batches. This enabled me to experiment a little with the recipe as far as how much of each ingredient to add. This process helped alot in my attempt to recreate a Grandma Lucio Tortilla. Alas, most of my torts were just like my Aunt Ginny's; texas shaped. (My Dad tells me they were named as such because all of them had a panhandle instead of being round.) But I've found that rolling tortillas is a little like playing golf (Patrick: that's golf, not gulf.) You swing and swing and hit nothing but slices and hooks and you get so frustrated you want to throw the tortilla (er, club) across the green. Then you hit that one shot where you hear that ever so satisfactory pop as your club hits the ball. You've hit a good one and seeing it sail across the sky, you're sure, will keep you tided over until you managed to hit another good one. That's right, folks. Some of my 60 tortillas were round.

On another culinary note, I've finally found the cookware for me. I've been using hand-me-downs all my life and to be fair hand me downs are still fine. But I've wanted this particular brand of cookware for awhile and they've finally created it in my color. If you want to shower me with gifts, here's where you can find the right faucet.

Posted by mermu at April 22, 2005 12:56 PM


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