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October 01, 2005

Rich White Trash

So it's Saturday and I'm chilling out at home and watching a little television. There's a show on E!, you guessed it, a reality show (is there any other kind of show on E!?), about some born-into-money rich kids who for once have to do a little work to get something they want. There seems to be a slew of these reality shows, or info-tainment shows about rich kids these days. I call it the Paris Hilton-effect.

Many of the kids in the show about which I'm speaking are spoiled, self-indulgent and way less mature than they might otherwise be if they'd had more guidance (and perhaps less money)growing up. Some of them aren't too bad and like all of us, they have their "moments" of spoiledness. Most of the kids aren't even kids at all. They're in their mid to late 20s. There is one, however, who takes the cake.

This man is in his late twenties, married to an heiress & rumored to be gay. He's also notorious for being an asshole when drinking and apparently chose recently to leave the country rather then face the PR repercussions after yet another episode of embarrasing behavior this time involving some bouncers at an A-list club in the Hamptons. Put it this way; while I can't attest to the man's command of the entire English language, the bouncers at Star room can assure that said Spoiled Boy/Man does indeed have command of the most base racial epithets, particularly against African Americans. If only he'd had my mother for a mother. She was younger than he is now, with nary enough money to raise her growing family and she still managed to teach me, her five year old daughter, the baseness of the racial slur that he doles out like candy when he's pissed (both the English and American use of the word..."pissed".)

How sad it must be for his family. All that money and it still couldn't help them raise a good man. It's ironic really; while the Boy/Man has no real money himself (in fact there's also talk on the web that creditors must first sue his father before they get the bills paid), he still is considered an heir and he does have access to more money in a year than I may ever see in my entire life. All that money, all that "net worth" and still the man is completely worthless.

I wonder, what will it take for a guy like that to grow up?

Speaking of litigiousness, said Boy/Man has a penchant for threatening the "s" word. (Sue.) Fabian, should I start a Paypal account for my defense fund now?

Posted by mermu at October 1, 2005 03:54 PM


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