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December 01, 2005

An Artist, A Reporter, A Bookkeeper in Brief

Today was an interesting event-filled day. I started out as an artist...a voiceover artist to be exact. I did a quick voiceover for a biography of Catherine the Great that will air on one of the A&E Networks. My roll was Catherine (the Great). I voiced quotes from Catherine's (the Great) memoirs that will be interspersed throughout the Biography. I'm not sure of an airdate yet. When I do get the word I'll be sure to let you know. Catherine was a charismatic, visionary leader. Some may have loved her, some may have hated her but one thing seems to be clear: everybody had an opinion. She was that kind of person. While reading some of the quotes in the sound booth, I had a sudden revelation. Catherine (still Great) was 18th Century Russia's Bill Clinton (also Great). I think I did a good job (Who am I kidding? It was GREAT!)

Then I started walking south on 5th Avenue. I had to go to a client's for a few hour's work but I wanted to enjoy the day a bit and my little victory of spending some time and making some money doing something for which I came to this multi-faceted city. A little window shopping here and there, a five minute trip to my favorite used cd store (I only searched through the Js and managed to select 3 cds. It's a dangerous store.) and I was on my way to my client's business.

After being there a few hours, I got a call from former business partner and current friend, Greg Gorman. Greg just spent a week in Kashmir reporting on Quake-relief efforts in association with Americans for the Resolution of Kashmir for Talk Radio News. Greg agreed to let me interview him via telephone at the Talk Radio News offices for our Dear George Podcast. So I spent a 1/2 hour in the bathroom of my client's gallery discussing Kashmir. Talk about surreal.

The political atmosphere in Kashmir has always been "sensitive" to say the least. The situation in Kashmir is dire after the earthquake of October 8th. The people, the aid workers and all involved are in a race against time to try to provide some sort of temporary shelter for a dangerously cold winter, already approaching. Listening to Greg's impressions of his trip really helped to give me some insight into the region's needs and interests. It's a great interview that I will most likely post in its entirety in the next coupla days so stay tuned. You should also check out Greg's audio on the Talk Radio News site. He's recorded a number of audio reports about his trip. You can find them here.

I finished my interview with my friend the White House Correspondent and spent the rest of the day finishing up with my client.

So there you have it; a little bit of everything all in one day.

Posted by mermu at December 1, 2005 11:36 PM


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