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December 13, 2005

Con Dios, Amigo


I am saddened and disheartened that our country can not learn the
lessons after 1000 murders that you have grasped and taught so
diligently while serving your prison sentence. I refuse to give up
hope for your cause though I recognize the situation is dire. I
believe that keeping you alive and fighting the good fight does more
to stop crime and violence than the small measure of barbaric comfort
the relatives and strangers of the victims might feel. Should you be
killed, I will mourn for you but also for the lost children who will
continue to choose violence and the cursed solidarity of a gang
family. Children who with your help might come to a different end than
the violent one for which they feel destined. I am so mournful of our loss with your impending death and I ask you to forgive us for allowing it should it actually come to that.

You are a guilty man whether or not you committed the crimes for
which you are slated to be so gravely punished. You admit as much

You did not kill or harm my family. I know that had any of those that
I love have been so ill-fated as to come across you in your violent
past and suffered from it I would hate you wholly and heartily for it.
I would want you dead. I would want you suffering. And yet I know such
an end would never satisfy. I do thank God that you didn't harm my

Nor did you save any of my family although surely there are so many
mothers, wives, brothers, sisters and fathers so grateful that your
execution wasn't 10 years ago, 5 years, last year, last month,
yesterday; so thankful that your life was spared long enough to save
their sons or daughters from a desolate ill-fated life of crime and violence.

I am neither yen nor yang in this story and yet I feel so deeply
affected by you and this predicament. Perhaps it is that very reason I can do what I feel compelled to do here. I am no priest or clergy; just a spiritual woman who is assured that no true God would condone the barbaric behavior you face. I have the authority of that God to give you this:

Stanley Tookie Williams, You are forgiven. You are forgiven for all of those crimes and sins for which you whole-heartedly and steadfastly
wish to be forgiven.

Should these be your last hours, I send you to your Maker free of
guilt and blame and hate. I offer you love, hope, redemption and
peace. If you get scared or disconsolate, listen for the angels. I am
sending you mine to comfort you in these dark hours.

With great love and respect,

Posted by mermu at December 13, 2005 01:23 AM


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