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January 19, 2006
Is Mercury in Retrograde?!?
Because the last two days have been completely f'ed up. I knew I was in for a day when early yesterday morning as I hopped out of the shower....
My World Collapsed
Well, not so much as collapsed as came crashing to the ground. One of the things I inherited from my English ex-Boyfriend was a glass globe which had within it an entire ecosystem. It was given to him as a gift but he didn't want to traipse it around the US and then back to England. I loved my tiny universe. There was water, some moss (probably too much sunlight from when E-exB had it), and a little bitty shrimp. It was on what I thought was a pretty sturdy windowsill but alas, some giant gusts of wind pushed the window out (it's connected at the top and opens up and out at the bottom) and my little world went crashing down.So there I was buck naked and desperately trying get myself together so I could make it to my client's by 10am as I had resolved to do. There was glass, dirt, mud, and a tiny little shrimp (um, redundant!)gasping for breath in the big, unchartered territory that was my dining area.
I couldn't leave it for later as my other charge, the regal, GSD guard dog I found on Petfinder 3 years ago would most certainly get into and possibly hurt her paws or worse, decide she had a taste for seafood. I vacuumed it all up while thinking about the nature of God being power, control and knowledge over other beings and wondered what would happen if our God accidentally put the earth in a place where it might tip off it's windowsill. Then after that....
Inhospitable Evitations
I've used Evite for years and have truly loved using it. The ads aren't too intrusive and I do really enjoy the little extras like learning my friends' favorite restaurants. I'm helping put together an event for a show I'm co-producing and all of the sudden EVITE erases and cancels the entire event. People have already RSVP'd. I have no idea how this snafu transpired...well, I do have a thought which includes the dastardly deeds of those who have already proven to be nefarious. But I'm not sure, so it's most likely some weird "mercury's in retrograde", glitch in the system, snafu at Evite. After much hemming, hawing, quickfixes that didn't fix, and baying at the moon I sent a good old-fashioned email. I think I managed to make sure that everyone who had already rsvp'd had access to the info and it sounds like people are interested. I had a great time at the previous fundraiser they did in December and I know my friends will enjoy it just as much as I did/will.This time I managed to put together some pretty neat raffle prizes too. Hopefully we'll be able to pay for this bad boy! Finally....
He's Just Not That In to Me
Last week I had a lovely date with a friend of a friend. There was a lovely dinner, good wine, great conversation, a view of the Hudson River and the Empire State Building and more than a few glasses of Champagne. It's the first time I've dated since E-exB and I really enjoyed it. (Incidentally, E-exB, if you're reading this...I was going to tell you if something actually came of it. Read on....) I thought he had a good time too. He asked more than once if we might get together again and I agreed it was a good idea.I have yet to hear from him again. Now this one can't have swallowed a deadly peanut as well. (Archives: My first date in NYC was a guy named Nick. I'm sure he choked on a peanut and died before he could inject the life-saving Epi pen and pick up the phone to tell me how much he enjoyed my company.)
It's been nine days!! This one wasn't allergic to peanuts at all as far as I know. So I have to admit it...that guy on Oprah said it best...."he's just not...that in to me....."Oh Well.
So in a, *ahem*, nutshell, that's been my few days. Everything just seems a little skewed. A very sweet friend called after she got my 3rd email about the party to give support and encouragement. I told her about this weirdness that seems to surround me like a clunky, clumsy mist. She said she found that the moments when things are completely out of whack usually immediately preclude the moment when things fall into perfect place. *BREATH* That makes me feel better. Truthfully there are so many good things going on right now: the show I'm helping produce, the podcasting, one really intriguing business opportunity, the impending resolution of my court battle with my nefarious former business partners. So many pieces of this ever-entertaining puzzle just waiting to fall into place.
Posted by mermu at January 19, 2006 10:42 PM
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