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January 28, 2006

The View from Here

Wednesday at "The View" was a jolly good time. I invited my friend "Piper" whom I'd met at an event I'd put together for my former company. She's a Texan who has moved in the last six months to the Big C so she was really excited to have the television audience experience. Anthony Hamilton and Daniel Dae Kim from the television show "Lost" were the guest.


It seems that alot of people in the audience this day were veterans of studio audiences. So many people in line with us had been to see "Tony Danza". Apparently, he has a lovely waiting experience. There's a little cafeteria with tables to wait before the show starts. "View" members were left to stand about for the hour or so it took to get into the studio.

I did have a really good time talking to my fellow audience members. I spoke at length with a gentleman who got tickets for his wife. (Her name is Sharon; I don't know what his name is.) He had served in the first Gulf War and now owned his own security firm that had contracts with Halliburton and other companies doing business there. We spoke a bit about the war and politics and I must say he had a perspective which never occurred to me before our conversation. With regard to the war in Iraq, one of the most overwhelming feelings were those of frustration and regret that they weren't allowed to finish the job 15 years ago in the first war. I can see his point. He and his comrades put themselves in danger and spent much time and effort to address the issues with Saddam Hussein only to be faced with them again not 15 years later. The other thing he said which really resonated with me was how offended he is that there are people in our country who don't take the time to vote. He risked his life in service to the principle that we all have a right to be a voice in government. Say what you will about economics of war, and big oil. I myself have a few things to say about the corrupt miscreants that seem to be running Capitol Hill. The pampered men in their comfortable business suits playing "cowboys and Indians" start and maintain wars for different reasons than the soldiers who actually risk their lives. Our boys (and girls) in blue go (if they've not been near-conscripted by the National Reserve) in the name of Democracy. I myself have family members with good "christian" values who admit to avoiding the polls on Voting Day. If you don't vote, I urge you to reconsider your reluctance. Whether you like one guy or another or hate them all, it's an insult to those who are always first to protect you and your family. Vote!

The Gals of the View

The ladies of the View and Bill the producer were all lovely people. Throughout the commercial breaks and for a bit at the beginning of the show all of the ladies (even Barbara!) made it a point to spend time with various sections of the audience. Piper and I had great seats in the front of the mid-section. I met Barbara Walters and Bill. I was in the process of shaking Meredith Viera's hand (Meredith's have to stick together!) when the director began frantically calling her. She had almost missed her cue. I almost made Meredith Viera late for meeting Anthony Hamilton. Oops.

I've never really been a fan of Star Jones or Elizabeth Hasselbeck. I find Star to be a bit false sometimes. But she did lose all that weight and I can attest that is a difficult thing to do. Elizabeth H. is at most times just an idiot. When discussing the Abramoff scandal, she seemed to be unconcerned with the ethics or morality of it all and I couldn't help thinking about how she would feel if Bill Clinton committed the same atrocities in his Presidency. How completely horrifying it is to think that people are more interested in a President's ethics in love and sex rather than their ethics in government. She's so indoctrinated; a Stepford Republican. She also misused the word "convolluted."

Barbara Walters is fascinating and lovely as is Meredith V. Joy Behar is so naturally funny. It's a pleasure to hear what she has to say.

The Guests

There really isn't too much to say about the guests. Everything happens so quickly it's hard to really feel like you've learned anything or experienced in any way who they are. Anthony Hamilton has such a gorgeous melifluous voice I imagine he could talk the desperate off of ledges toward safer ground. Daniel Dae Kim seemed nice. His parents were in the audience which was really cute. His father got up and danced with the other audience members at the beginning of the taping.

So that was my View Experience. I had a great time and it was a nice respite from the work-a-day world. I have to admit I'm curious about Tony Danza...but he's in Brooklyn and that is a long, long way for me at 8 in the morning.

Posted by mermu at January 28, 2006 11:27 PM


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