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February 27, 2002
I did the "What Rock"
I did the "What Rock Chick are you?" quiz but that came up bjork...hmm. Isn't she Scottish? I would never be caught dead in a swan dress much less lay a purple egg. Although I did go as a pregnant teenager dressed in black to a tacky prom last winter. Yeah, I guess that is quirky. So my last week has been fruitful, although I am still on the dole. Wouldn't it be cool if you could just get paid for living life? You woke up this morning, here's $50. Cooked breakfast? How about another $20. I honestly believe I will look back on this period of time and be greatful that I was out of work. It is definitely affording me an opportunity to push myself creatively. So here are some developments.
On Feb 20th, I had cocktails with my friend Jim who has a friend who wrote the book for his musical "Playing the Palace" which is premiering in Wisconsin in May. This friend, Andy, also works at a prestigious talent agency who handles voiceovers. He offered to have a hear of my demo tape and give me some feedback. This brings me to something that my "Artist's Way" book asserts. Once you make up your mind to do something, God or the world or that force of nature some call serendipity opens doors for you. All I can say is I had no idea my friend knew someone like this...although I am not surprised as Jim knows many very interesting people. Anyway, this guy was really nice and helpful and who knows, it may lead to something later. Or sooner as the case may be. So. That was Wednesday night and I have breathlessly been checking emails ever since. I actually just heard from him tonight and his feedback was very positive. So far the universe is working for me. I am trying not to be impatient.
Tex in the City in the city!!!
Thursday night I went out to dinner with my old high school pals Kambri, Scott, and Greg. We had an amazing time. Dinner at the Chat n Chew; a renowned southernesque cafe known for it's amazing Mac n Cheese. (No, I didn't have any. If you've ever looked at the nutritional values of Kraft's version you'd understand why. I opted for the much more nutritional Turkey Burger with greasy fries thank-you-very-much.) We ended up at Serena's in Chelsea. After commenting to the waitress about her fabulous uniform we actually met Serena. Serena is a lovely British woman with pure blond hair. She designed the classy, yet artistic and exotic uniforms I mentioned. Serena reminded me alot of Judi Dench but younger. This may be attributed to a Charlie Rose segment I saw earlier in the week featuring Dame Judy but the similarities between the two were unmistakeable. As often happens when a new person meets a group of Texans, it soon came out that the four of us were indeed all Texan transplants to the Big City and were also high school pals from a past decade (which shall remain nameless.) Serena was fascinated, especially when we told her that we each constantly met other people from Texas. She soon realized there was a thriving subculture waiting to happen and we quickly got on that boat and began to row. We decided we would create a Texas night at Serena's. Perhaps a monthly gathering where Texans could get together with their friends, and meet and greet, and hopefully change the world. Hey, the Yalies do it, the Oxford kids do it, why can't we do it. Giddily proud of our new creation, we easily transformed into a Dr. Frankenstein of sorts and began creating what will be, or is, our beloved monster, "Tex in the City" enterprises. While we are still in the gestational stages, I have to tell you I am really excited. We are talking about producing some plays among other things. The true test to me rested on how the rest of our consortium felt the next day after we were no longer under the influence of those scrumptious cosmos and caiperinhas. The next day everyone was still game and we are still putting it together, in the immortal words of Sondheim, "bit by bit". In fact, it seems that we may have some prominent Texans excited about our first "Tex in the City" night already.
I have to say I am thrilled and a little scared...like riding a rollercoaster scared, or that vortex thing that spins around and around and the floor drops out from under you. I have had really bad experiences with that other company I was involved with and, while I am willing to lose face with a venture, I am not willing to lose these friends. But these friends are different people, and I have the benefit of that other experience. Maybe this is why God saw fit to put me through that. I am certainly wiser for it. It's funny. I can remember my first trip to NYC. It was 5am and Scott's parents were driving the two of us to the airport. LoneStar's (I think that was who it was) "New York, hold her tight" came on the radio and Scott and I were dreaming about the future and NYC. And here we are. I look back at some of the work we did and the people we were, the closeness of our group and it was truly magic. Even back then I thought...'if these people, if we stay with it, stay together, we could conquer the world. Or at least a significant theatrical part of it. And here I am with those same people who have grown into such interesting, wise, and knowledgeable people. So while I am a bit trepidatious, I don't think I am really worried. When God sees fit to open a door I am going to do my best to walk through it.
Posted by mermu at 11:37 PM | Comments (1)
What Pattern Are You? This

What Pattern Are You?
This is so cool! I found this on someone else's blog and thought it was cute. She was camouflage. I am plaid. Hmm? Do I hear bagpipes?
Posted by mermu at 10:38 PM | Comments (3)
February 26, 2002
Oh Geez. It has been
Oh Geez. It has been an entire week! My sis and future B-I-L even wrote in their journals and they were in the JUNGLE . I promise to give you the scoop on the last week tomorrow. I had a great time hooking up with my high school pals that live here. We drank till three and brainstormed what may be the future of Texas Theatre in New York City. okay. Delusions of grandeur, but a week later we are still committed, or should be "committed" as the case may be. I will give up the details when things solidify. Two of my aunts came to visit last weekend. I can only say I had one of the most fabulous meals I have ever had in my life; got thrown out of a trendy restaurant in front of Ben Stiller, and partied in Weehawken (for the first time in the year+ that I have lived here.)with said Aunts, an Asian guy named Deutsch, and a Puerto Rican/ Domenican named Tito.
Posted by mermu at 11:25 PM | Comments (0)
February 18, 2002
Valentine's day with the gals
Valentine's day with the gals was alot of fun. We ended up going to dinner at a Vegetarian Indian restaurant and then to a Belgian Bar where my friend Subee knows the owner. Shaie (pronounced Shy) is a Bangladeshi man who lived in Belgium for awhile. The bar was really neat. The sign for it is kind of nondescript...not flashy at all and the actual bar is not right up against the street. To go inside you have to go down a small outdoor corrider where there is a small courtyard. The bar is totally lit with red and orange lighting. It is very dark and plush. The Belgian beers are wonderful too! Shaie seemed really nice. Subee says they are just friends but I think there is an untapped chemistry between them. Subee, if you read this, I don't want to freak you out but I also felt the same way about my sis and her friend Stepan. They are now engaged. The next day I had a one day gig at a company that produces software regarding currency exchange for banks around the globe. My job all day was to 1) answer the phone and appallingly 2) print out and type emails for the president of the company who does not "do" computers. Did I mention this was a software company? Note to self: Reaffirm commitment to not be dependent on temp agencies.
Saturday night my friends Jim and Andre had me over for dinner. Jim's collaborator, Dick, was there also. Jim and Dick write musicals one of which is being performed in May in Wisconsin. I really, really hope I get to see it. The meal was fabulous: spare ribs, sausage, sauerkraut, potatoes. It was a hearty,traditional German meal. Yum. I remember when Grandma K used to cook sauerkraut and I thought it was the most vile concoction imagineable. I can't get enough of it now. And everytime I eat it I think of Grandma...which I think makes me love it even more. After Dinner, I rushed off to meet my friends Scott and Kambri and some of Scott's friends. We had a fabulous time! We went to a place called Bar D'o. It was a great time. Here the drag queens don't lip sync; they actually sing live which was nice. We had so much fun. Scott's friend Kevin is a very handsome and sweet guy too. He was a lot of fun. He actually has a twin named Kirk. Mom, don't get any ideas. Alas, both are gay. Yet another testament to the phrase "all the good ones are, sweetie." After a scrumptious late night breakfast I made my way in search of a bus home and the newspaper at about 5am. Sunday I recuperated.
For those of you who don't read the comments it seems I have a mysterious stranger lurking in the closet that is my past. I know he is an acquaintance from Wichita Falls, and we were both members of the youth group. I know he went to Notre Dame, had a thing for gum and made pizzas when we were kids. To be honest I don't remember alot of people from youth group. I don't know why that period of my life is such a daze but it is. Maybe because I was deathly afraid of an impending move to the big city of Fort Worth, but I don't know. So everybody say hi to the mysterious stranger. Mysterious stranger: Keep in mind that my mother reads this journal so anything embarassing or secret should stay that way. Please? I don't know why I'm worried. I was a complete angel at that stage of my life.
Posted by mermu at 06:58 PM | Comments (3)
February 14, 2002
Ahhhh! Sweet mystery of (cyber)life
Ahhhh! Sweet mystery of (cyber)life at last I found you! Well, after what seems like an eternity, I have finally got all the parts for a working, powered computer. I am almost giddy. Yeehaw!!! I also have invested in a CD Burner so that I can begin burning my demo tapes and send them out. My first day of the artist's way and all is well. I did my morning pages without too much hassle. The true test will be tomorrow when I have to be at work at 8:30. Oh geez.
Tonight I am going out with some single girlfriends of mine to celebrate Val's day. It should be fun.
Posted by mermu at 06:21 PM | Comments (10)
February 13, 2002
It looks like there may
It looks like there may finally be a working computer at the end of this dark tunnel I call Dell Customer Service. I checked online (via the graciousness of my roomie, Maia) and my a/c Adapter part is shipped today. I should get it tomorrow or the next day I hope! This is absolutely the worst time to not have a computer at home. The last coupla weeks without a decent computer brought me back to those olden days in the early 90s when I had a very limited 66mhz PC. Those days when accessing the simplest of webpages sometimes took 5 to 10 minutes on a good day. Horrors! It really is amazing how we as a people have come to rely on technological conveniences. The idea of writing something by hand seems so antiquated and time consuming. The same can be said for cell phones. Even those who are most stubborn about not having one (and you know who you are) benefit from other forward-thinking cell-o-philes. Technology has changed our lives so completely. I equate its influence on us with the influence of electricity in the early 20th century. Truth be told I am also a little pissed at myself for not being more productive when I first stopped working. But I also know that I was a little burned out and the time was recuperative if nothing else. That said, I have vowed to be loads more productive when I get back online.
I can't believe that Lent is here already! Wow! Although I am not currently a practicing Catholic I do like the tradition of Lent. Most people look to Lent as something that they "have" to do to prove their Catholicism, love for Jesus or even just willpower. I used to feel that way growing up I guess. I would give up things like Chocolate and Soda and struggle sometimes and think, ' If I have that Dr. Pepper, it means I don't love Jesus, I am a bad Catholic and will most likely fry in Hell with Hitler, the Romans, and other little girls who ate chocolate or drank soda when they shouldn't' Oooh. The pressure we Catholics put on little girls and boys. Come to think of it, there were alot of things I wanted to do, to think, to be, that I was led to believe I would fry in hell for. As I grow up and older, I have a different take on it and I sometimes stop in wonder at the way Jesus did things; how really giving He was and truly thoughtful for the well-being of all his brothers and sisters even thousands of years later. I don't think Jesus gives one good whip about how much chocolate little boys and girls eat, or whether we eat meat on Friday, or go to Church every Sunday. The whole point of Jesus dying on the cross was showing He loved us no matter what. We give up things for ourselves during Lent. We work on ourselves. Not eating chocolate or soda for awhile is good for those little boys and girls who eat too much of it, regardless of what it does for Jesus. Not eating meat on Friday is an excellent way to give a body a break from the most difficult food to digest. That is what He wants for us. We work on ourselves because we need to be worked on. Some of us more than others sure, but we all need to grow and to learn and find what we are all put on this earth to take with us wherever is next. The Church would have you believe we do it to prove something to God, or the Church. But God and Jesus are all about unconditional love and know us better than even we know ourselves. So what could we possibly prove?
Now I look at Lent as a time to take stock in who I am and where I am heading and discover what in my life is missing and how I can find that element. Throughout this I try to listen for God to guide me in the things I should achieve. How can I get to the place where I will be closer to God? That is what Lent is all about to me now. So this Lent, I will do something I have thought to do for 8 years. I am going to start the The Artist's Way. This is a twelve week "journey" which focuses on unlocking creativity. Obviously I won't be finished by Easter. So I will get to have two celebrations instead of one. One of the things I will be required to do is write in a journal, three pages a day. There are other things along the way...but that is the main toughie. So, thank you God for this opportunity. Wish me luck!
Posted by mermu at 07:03 PM | Comments (0)
February 07, 2002
Ugh! I hate not getting
Ugh! I hate not getting paid! and of all times to screw up my computer, this was the worst. I have finally ventured out and bought time at, gulp, an internet cafe. I fear my pleabian roots are showing...but perhaps I am being burgeouis. The internet cafe is kind of neat and really cheap. I got a little over 60 minutes of web time for $1. So here I am. I have bitten the bullet and called a temp agency. I am starting to get a little worried about my financial outlook for March so I decided I can at least make a little money while I am lost in space, as it were. After three+ weeks of being on the dole with out getting the dole, I have come to the conclusion that I was really burnt out over December. I really put myself through the paces with working two jobs and dealing with Christmas and flying and such. Christmas was fun, but also busy, and stressful and just weird what with 9-11 and Grandma L not being around and such. Now that I have had more than enough time to dawdle (and reoganize my closets and desk for the new year--you would be amazed at my stowage factor) I am ready for the next step. I have to admit I didn't really do as much as I should have these last few weeks, but I think I needed the time to get over a Deep Blue Funk. Sometimes DBFs are a necessary progression. As Oprah and Guy Forsyth would say, ' You can't be who you wanna be, by staying who you are'. I think a DBF is a metamorphosis. So now I am rested, rejuvenated and ready to seize the future.
I have been invited to be Greg G's escort at a benefit for Human Rights Campaign-New York. I think it is going to be a blast. There I will be hobnobbing with pals like Eric McCormack, Kenny Cole, Moises Kaufman, Hillary (yes, THE Hillary) and other pals. Ahhh, I get to play the patrician!! You know, I want Greg to be happy and to find that special someone who is the Yen to his Yang and all that, but if his bachelorhood means I get to play Carrie Bradshaw for awhile, I think I am going to promote celibacy for him....just for awhile. This event is just the thing to cheer up an out-of-work, poor, struggling artist who is looking at an immediate future of prostituting her talents to put food on the table. Thanks Greg!
I had a weird dream last night. I think it is 9-11 related. I dreamed I was in the Arnold McGrath offices on the 9th floor or so and we saw the sky get dark and gloomy and then there were two tornados coming toward us. One blew out a window and people were almost getting blown out of the building. I kept trying to tell people (Bill Bailey, a guy I used to work for in Houston, was one of the people I spoke with) to take cover but they kept walking about and some got sucked toward the open window. I think we pulled some people to safety and then it stopped and I ran down the stairs to the main floor. I decided I needed to go back up so I took the elevator. But the elevator wasn't working normally. It became a car like you would ride on a ferris wheel. I was sitting in the car with Brendan Frasier (of "The Mummy" and "George of the Jungle" fame) and we were being hoisted up with a huge industrial crane to the correct floor. I went to go talk to some Arnold, McGrath friends in an office for awhile when the storms came back. I ran back to the stairs and climbed back down. Then the building fell over side ways. I could feel it fall and the room I was in moved to the side as well. Although things were twisting around me, I remained unscathed and climbed out of the room, over piles of dirt and rock. The firemen were there on the outside and I was walking toward other people trying to get them to move out of danger. Weird, Huh?
Posted by mermu at 02:21 PM | Comments (0)
February 01, 2002
Posted by mermu at 06:34 PM | Comments (2)